Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Foresters predict magnificent fall

This from the Associated Press this morning:

Foresters say the hot, dry summer could mean an early fall with brighter than usual colors in the North Country.

Glens Falls meteorologist Brian Whitley says rainfall at the Warren County airport was nearly 5 inches below normal for the year. Forester Bruce Barnard of the Department of Environmental Conservation in Ray Brook says areas that have had a dry summer could see peak colors a week or so earlier than those that got rain.

The central Adirondacks received more rain than parts of the region to the south and east, including Washington and Warren counties.

Signs of fall color have begun to show up here and there, especially in swampy areas with birches and maples.

And we all know what that means:

Road rage.

I'm a pretty calm guy, but when I'm out on an assignment (or just trying to get to Price Chopper) and someone slams on their breaks to take a photo of the leaves, I struggle to keep my cool.

So if there are any tourists out there reading this post, I beg you: find a parking area when taking pics of the brilliant fall vistas.

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