Saturday, March 20, 2010

Murphy to vote 'yes' on health care bill

President Obama picked up one more Congressional vote for his health care overhaul legislation -- Scott Murphy, who represents New York's 20th Congressional District.

Last year, Murphy voted against the bill along with several other House Democrats. Below is Murphy's official statement regarding his stance on the legislation:

“Last November, I voted against the House health care reform legislation because I did not believe it adequately addressed the fundamentally flawed system that has led to skyrocketing health care costs, bankrupt families, and excessive profits for insurance companies. In the months since that vote, I have worked closely with my constituents, my colleagues in Congress, and with President Obama to address many of these concerns and ultimately strengthen this legislation.”

“From the beginning, I have said that I support meaningful health care reform that is fiscally responsible and stops the out of control growth of health care costs. This legislation will not only make coverage more affordable for New York families, but it will also reduce the federal deficit by $138 billion in the first ten years and $1.2 trillion over the next ten.”

“Furthermore, this bill is serious about slowing the out of control growth of health care costs that are devastating our families and small businesses. I am pleased that the final legislation reflects many of my recommendations to encourage individuals to make healthy choices, reward doctors based on quality outcomes, and combat Medicare fraud and abuse. By simply implementing several common sense policies, we can slow the rising costs of health care for New York families.”
“As a small businessman, I am also keenly aware of the impact rising health care costs have on small businesses and New York’s economy. The bill before us makes significant improvements over the House-passed legislation by eliminating the employer mandate for small businesses, providing meaningful tax incentives, as well as creating heath care exchanges that allow businesses to band together to negotiate better prices from insurance companies. On a local level, I fought to ensure that several of our largest employers—paper mills and medical device manufacturers—are treated fairly under this legislation. These reforms will ensure that our local businesses can continue to provide quality coverage while creating jobs and driving economic growth.”

“Over the last year, I have held more than 100 district events to ensure an open and honest discussion about health care reform. I have listened very carefully to the diverse views of our district. Yet despite all of our differences, we remain united in the basic belief that our current health care system can be improved. This legislation takes health care choices out of the hands of insurance companies and puts them back in the hands of families and doctors. These reforms will ensure that insurance companies are prohibited from the practices of excluding those with pre-existing conditions, capping benefits, and discontinuing coverage when people get sick.”

“Lastly, to put this in very personal terms, I’m here today in Washington with my son Duke, who is 4. This year, our nation will spend over $2.6 trillion on health care, up from $2.3 trillion last year, and the rate of spending is only increasing. If we do not act to reign in this out of control system, by the time he graduates high school we will be spending over $7 trillion a year on health care. For these reasons, I intend to vote Yes on the President’s health care reform legislation.”

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