Thursday, March 11, 2010

How much influence do local governments have in Albany?

Adirondack local government officials often argue they don't have enough influence in Albany.

They assume the environmental lobby has the ear of the Governor (whoever that may be) and pull in the legislature.

They claim the North Country -- and particularly the Adirondack Park -- are political after thoughts, doomed by low population density.

Moriah Shock anyone?

Some of the concern is probably warranted. Green groups do fund the campaigns of politicians throughout the state. It's also pretty damn hard to argue you have the moral high ground when the opposition wants to "save the forest" and "protect the environment."

But in recent months we have seen evidence to the contrary. It seems the wants of the locally elected officials do carry state-level weight.

The APA push to classify the man-made Lows Lake as Wilderness died a loud and painful death because the Governor's office had the state designees change their votes.

The only vocal opposition to the proposed classification came from local governments.

It now seems the appointment of Minerva boat builder Peter Hornbeck may be up the proverbial creek.

State Senator Betty Little, in concert with local governments, has effectively swayed the votes of at least two upstate Democrats from what I can confirm -- maybe more.

Isn't this another example of Albany listening?

Just a thought......

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